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养生专家2023年10月18日 11:39原创




Trees were believed to be the children of the sun and the moon, and were considered to be the most important and loyal subjects of the Chinese zodiac. In the Chinese zodiac, each animal has its own specific sign, and trees were believed to be associated with the specific sign of the zodiac that they were born under.

For example, the tree of the year for the zodiac sign of "Gemini" is the Cherry Blossom tree. On the morning of the day of the cherry blossoms, which is always considered to be a special day in the Chinese lunar calendar, people would gather with their families to appreciate the beautiful flowers and celebrate the sign of the zodiac.

Another example is the tree of the zodiac sign of "Aquarius", which is the willow tree. In the Chinese zodiac, willows are considered to be the most important trees because they are believed to have strong bones and a strong willpower.

In conclusion, trees are not only important for their natural beauty and环保价值, but also have a special and profound significance in Chinese culture. Through their association with the zodiac, trees are believed to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity to those who possess the specific sign that they were born under.


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